Executive Interview on Corporate Strategy; Using International Employee Assistance
..a historical perspective conversation with Caterpillar's Dr.…
Pat Williams, Author
Attention Business Managers...Learn how to be like WALT DISNEY
Bouvier Williams
Mr. Bouvier Williams; Vice President, Talent Management, HR at…
Dr. Muriel Joseph Williams
Dr. Muriel Joseph-Williams, President & CEO heads BrainCorp…
Jeffrey S. Shuman
resources and administrative officer. He is responsible for planning…
Alex Jakobsen
Alex Jakobsen, Managing Director for RogenSi North America is…
BrainCorp Inc. with Dr. Muriel Joseph Williams and Marylou Ponzi Kay
Ed's special guests are... Marylou Ponzi Kay and Dr. Muriel Joseph…
Camille P. Schuster, Ph.D.
Camille P. Schuster (Ph.D. from The Ohio State University) is…
Lisa Giruzzi
Lisa Giruzzi is a speaker, author and consultant with more than…
European Conference Tour 2011: Wrap Up
Global HR News Publisher Ed Cohen has returned from his whirlwind…