Organizational Archaeology
A Research-based Framework for Analyzing, Managing and Integrating Corporate Cultures
Mark N. Clemente
Clemente Communications Group, LLC
The process of defining the characteristics and dynamics of corporate culture has long challenged business leaders. This formidable task has existed for as long as companies have sought to manage the specific forces and factors that drive organizational success or failure.
Finding ways to effectively analyze culture continues to rise in importance. High-stakes business events such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, and large-scale outsourcing partnerships require a usable means of evaluating divergent cultures. This is to avoid the proverbial “culture clashes” that have effectively killed many otherwise sound corporate combinations. Moreover, from a general management standpoint, grasping the essentials of culture is crucial in aiding the optimization of organizational effectiveness and corporate growth.
This planning guide – and the research-based framework on which it’s based – is designed to provide a frame-of-reference for evaluating, managing and enhancing culture. It is a tool developed from an extensive web content analysis of reputable online information sources, as well as web-based panel research with senior HR decision-makers. The primary research focus: pinpointing and assessing the importance of the most universal organizational traits that characterize corporate culture.
To learn more about Organizational Archaeology now… please contact Ed Cohen, Editor, Global HR News.