Profile photo of Shelly Tygielski


Shelly teaches a variety of workshops and speaks on a broad range of topics, including:

>Sit Down to Rise Up: Connecting Our Inner Work with the Outer World
>Showing Up: The Most Important Thing We Can Ever Do
>From the Darkness into the Light: Moving Beyond Trauma to Find Hope and Meaning
>Radical Self-Care: A Framework and “Permission” to Preserve Ourselves in a World that Can Include Hardship and Misfortune
>The F#*% It List: A Proven Way to Get to Your Bucket List
>The Courage to Follow Your Dreams, While Designing the Safety Net to Do It
>The Case For Moving Beyond Goals: Centering Our Life Around Intentions
>The Eyes Are Blind, But The Mind Still Sees

She is available virtually and in person, in the US and abroad.

Sit Down to Rise Up - by Shelly Tygielski (Hardcover) - image 1 of 2


Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World“.

An empowering treatise on propelling profound social change by going inward, from a mindfulness teacher and activist who has turned personal practice into movements.

The practice of mindfulness is most often touted for its profound mind, body, and spirit benefits.

    … Google Books


Image  “A grass-roots, volunteer led global mutual aid community that has been described as being a “non-profit disruptor.”

Covered by CNN, Upworthy, Forbes, The Kelly Clarkson Show and dozens of other national publications; supported by notable celebrities, influencers and politicians, Pandemic of Love started as a way to help Shelly’s local meditation community in South Florida and quickly became “viral.”
In less than 10 weeks, the organization has: matched over 150,000 people in need with donors who have directly transacted over $20.1M; within 6 months the organization has helped match over 600,000 people resulting in over $40M in DIRECT transactions; trained over 850 volunteers across 200+ micro-communities around the globe; partnered with the Water Warriors Project to bring fresh drinking water to members of the Navajo Nation; partnered with United Farm Workers Foundation to bring resources to migrant farm populations; partnered with the American Red Cross to help with assistance due to wildfires in CA and OR and Hurricanes in the Gulf States; partnered with BIPOC organizations to support community organizers and protests on the front lines with financial assistance.

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