Using #talentassessment tools has proven benefits. Here are some of the reasons why you should integrate talent assessment tools into your #hiringprocess :

Verified candidates’ claimed abilities – Candidates lie about their skills.

By using talent assessment tools, #hrmanagers can actually verify whether candidates truly have the abilities they claim to possess.

Reduced turnover

– According to research, companies who use pre-hire assessment tests report a 39% decrease in their turnover rate. Increased employee performance

– A study revealed that companies using pre-hire assessments are 24% more likely to have employees who exceed their performance goals.


Make the most unpredictable aspect of your business – your people – predictably great.

We help HR Leaders, People Managers & Business owners confidently select, engage and retain GREAT people.

How? By providing deep, relevant & actionable insights into their candidates, employees, leaders & teams with psychometric assessments – developed and validated by industry leaders.


But they are also the most unpredictable part – making it almost impossible to find certainty in their performance.

 People interview well, but aren’t a good fit or don’t perform. 

Employees don’t live up to their potential.  

New teams struggle to gel well.

Your employee onboarding or leadership training doesn’t work as well as you’d like it to.

The truth is:

CV’s, gut feel & past experience just don’t cut it anymore.

Most solutions like personality assessments & leadership training are either too generic or too complicated – essentially, impractical.

And it’s just not affordable or sustainable.

Do you sometimes wish you had a user guide, customized to each of your people that tells you what makes them tick? You finally do!

Comprehensive & tangible insights from our assessments & expert support and coaching help you select, engage & retain GREAT people with confidence.

SELECT: Predict job performance when interviewing, during job promotions or succession planning.

ENGAGE: Optimize your communication and connect with your people quicker and deeper when onboarding, career pathing & leadership development.

RETAIN: Maximize the potential of your existing talent when career pathing, reviewing performance, leadership development & succession planning.

What that means for you:

40-300% reduction turnover in the first year

$2-8M saved in hiring costs

Improved culture, job satisfaction & retention

28-500% increase in annual sales

Assessment investment ROI of at least 300%

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