Stephanie Burns
Stephanie Burns, CEO of Chic CEO
Chic CEO, LLC Founder & CEO Entrepreneurs with style.
Ed’s special guest is Stephanie Burns, CEO of Chic-CEO, a company and website dedicated to giving women practical information to start and help grow their dream of owning and succeeding in their own business. Chic-CEO was named one of Forbes top-100 websites for women in 2011!
At Chic CEO (pronounced sheek ceo), we believe women should have the business knowledge and support they need right at their polished fingertips. We created this website as a resource for all the amazing women we’ve met who either didn’t know how to implement their ideas or were too afraid to take the plunge. At Chic CEO you’ll find easy to understand, easy to implement business knowledge in its most basic form. Best of all, you’ll find other women who are willing to share their advice and experiences simply because someone else did the same for them. The ground level information is here for you to get started in being your own boss – the rest is up to you.