GLOBAL HR NEWS …Bringing HR leadership to the global table™

With help from others, for many months I’ve been seeking and receiving CONTENT from a diverse source-group from around-the-world, on a variety of topics and themes and one thing in common running throughout is GLOBAL HR… that is…the myriad of activities and responsibilities of today’s Global HR professionals.

I cordially invite you and your colleagues to become more involved and learn more, meet new and bright people who bring a different perspective. Your new contacts and your new practical knowledge will be usable immediately in your business office. Be involved with us and Thrive! Between now and December 2009 we will produce & host at least 17 “live” conferences in Europe, Latin America, and across the US; and, we will publish 16 editions of GLOBAL HR NEWS. We offer you opportunity. Carpe Diem !

Here’s a quick sample of the CONTENT… the topics/themes: Company goals and shortterm objectives; World Trade and Geo-Political issues challenging HR Management in the US and other locations; Compliances: Tax & Legal – US and Global; Financial Awareness & Planning for ROI; Strategic Planning; Talent Management – recruitment/acquisition – integration – deployment – coaching – development – retention; InterCultural Diversity Learning and applications; Employee Communications; Emerging Markets and Global Teams; Employer Branding, Corporate Social Responsibility and the role of HR; Technology and its applications; Global Workforce Mobility – variety of issues and trends, selection/management of provider/suppliers, and policy development and management; issues related to selection for an International Assignment, its Management, and related Destination info & guidance … all for reaching a measurable ROI on an Assignment.

The time is now and GLOBAL HR NEWS & CONFERENCES is the place where you will find, enjoy, and learn more when participating in our unique, collaborative and continuous study, World Trade’s Effect on Company Strategy, Employees, and Cultures™.

I invite you to be involved with us now thru 2009. You’ll be glad you did, promise!