Memo from Ed   (+1)619.787.3100


I’m inviting you to tune-in and participate with the outstanding faculty assembled.   

Latin America’s economy is growing as re-shoring and economic development strengthens as a result of the expanding FDI (foreign direct investments). Therefore, a talent boom is happening. 

Come, learn more, meet interesting, smart people. Network. 


LatAm 2.0

31 AUG 23

Meet the


Profile photo of Sergey Gorbatov

Sergey Gorbatov

Talent Strategy

Team Effectiveness 

Executive Coaching




As a Talent & Leadership Strategist with 18+ years of experience across diverse industries and geographies, my passion lies in helping professionals and organizations realize their full potential by navigating complex human capital challenges.

My approach is anchored in fast, yet rigorous execution, leveraging my expertise, and maintaining a strategic mindset to deliver impactful solutions.

With experience spanning the FMCG, oil & gas, pharmaceutical, educational, and NGO sectors, I have a proven track record of success in country, regional, and global roles. My specialties include Talent Management, Performance Management, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Talent Assessment, and Career Management.

As a thought leader and life-long learner, I write, speak, and teach about the complex issues of talent and human performance, simplifying them for my audience.

If you’re interested in discussing talent management, leadership development, or collaborating on a project, feel free to connect with me or send a message.




An edge is your unfair advantage

Do you develop and leverage it?

Are you aware of what you need and what you have?

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Profile photo of James Moss

James Moss

New York  +1 917 755 4788;  London  +44 7956 135 132

James Moss FRICS/Broker of Record

Managing Director   CURZON

Founder & CEO

James Moss   Click link, get a quick update – who we are and what we do. 

To find out more please reach out. Thanks.

Profile photo of Danyel Andre Margarido




Sao Paulo

Responsibility for Global Mobility processes (in and outbound) in the LatAm region, and support to corporate programs of development. Responsibility in the preparation of analysis and studies required by Planning, by Jobs and Salary, Benefits, Annual Budget, and Support to Comp&Ben and Planning departments day-to-day tasks.

Steven Howard Leadership | Caliente Leadership | Leadership Development and TrainingSteven Howard

Mexico City  

Mexico City & LAmetro

Gold Medal for 

Humony Leadership 

In awarding Humony Leadership a Gold Medal, the Nonfiction Authors Association called the book “a significant work with an important message.  Read or download the press release on this significant industry recognition: Gold Medal for Humony Leadership

Philip Berry

Fort Lauderdale FL

I have a lot to share regarding my experience as the Global VP of HR for Latam for Colgate; my experience at Procter and Gamble preparing local talent to be global leaders; and my present experience in preparing leaders to be global talent.


chart, bar chartEver wonder where Latin America’s most brilliant minds are shaped?

The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, located in the Peruvian capital of Lima, is widely considered the oldest continuously operating university in the Western Hemisphere.

Founded in 1551, for nearly 500 years the so-called “Dean University of the Americas” has been a center for academic research and study. Peru’s sole Nobel Laureate, Mario Vargas Llosa, even graduated from the university in 1958.

Even setting aside the rich education systems of pre-colonial civilizations such as the Inca and Aztec empires, Latin America has a strong tradition of higher learning. Some of the region’s top universities – such as the USP – Universidade de São PauloUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and University of Buenos Aires – are among the 100 best universities worldwide.

Others, like Colombia’s incredible Universidad de Los Andes or the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, have served as historical breeding grounds for presidents and political leaders who have then carried their countries through the decades.

From leading the way in cutting-edge research and development to bridging the gap between diverse communities, higher education today serves as one of the best tools for Latin American countries to progress and develop equitably.

However, in order for universities to reach their highest potential and attract countries’ best and brightest students, it’s vital to keep up the focus from state and federal governments. Schools such as the University of Buenos Aires or Federal University of Rio de Janeiro have reached their current positions owing to an expanding mission of widening access to students from marginalized groups—one thing that might explain why the percentage of Latin Americans with a tertiary education has skyrocketed in recent decades.

Growing opportunities for citizens young and old to pursue a better life through these universities doesn’t come cheap. However, if Nobel Prizes and world-changing inventions and great works of art are any indication, it’s worth every penny.