Though deep in the throes of childhood family chaos with two unstable and unhappy parents — divorcing, marrying others, then remarrying-amidst constant moving and dysfunctional childrearing — Sherry Stirling Fernandez still knew that she was destined for great things. She believed in her potential for greatness!
And that is something she wants you to instill in you! Along with the clearly defined pathway to achieve it!
Sherry’s new USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential makes the case that if you are not progressing toward a better version of yourself, you can never achieve any true sense of joy…For happiness comes from recognizing and celebrating the fulfillment of your personal goals no matter how challenging — and then setting out on the road to the next one. A lifetime of progress toward your infinite potential is what makes you exceptional, fills your heart and enables you to leave your imprint on the world — your legacy!
Her incredibly powerful book provides you the keys to embark on this quest-the determination of your WHY — without which you will likely fail quickly. The WHAT — what needs your focus and attention to achieve Life Mastery in eight different aspects of your life. And the HOW — getting an assessment of where you are; what goals and action steps to take; the systems to put in place and the habits you need to instill (or replace). This exceptional manual gives you everything you need to get you on the road to Life Mastery, and inspires you to take that first step!
Along the way, Sherry tells her own inspiring story: how she left home at 17, a wild teen flirting with thievery, drugs and self-destruction, pregnant at 19, married by 22 and living a “hippie” lifestyle with all that implied in the 1970s. She and husband Ken lived on the edge of destitution until they began to explore personal development through books, tapes and live events with leaders in the movement. Slowly they inched themselves and their six-yes, count them! — six children forward toward a better, more rewarding and financially strong life.
Much of the impetus for that came from Sherry’s relentless pursuit of inner fortitude, wisdom and the goals she set for herself to overcome habits, fears and resistance that held back her progress toward infinite potential — and sharing with Ken what she learned along the way. Ultimately, Ken started a highly successful construction supply company, and Sherry launched FitMania, boutique fitness and personal development business, that also guided clients on mastery over all aspects of their life that contributed to achieving or exceeding the goals they set for themselves and the dreams they had in their hearts.
Her years with FitMania were rich and rewarding, but it was the transformation of her clients that so inspired Sherry to turn her entire attention to coaching individuals on achieving full Life Mastery by focusing on the physical, the spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, vocation, money, lifestyle and character.
In fact, her book features an excellent assessment tool that let’s readers determine what areas of their life need tuning up, and then how to take each of those vulnerable areas forward with the steps to keep moving ahead on the road to improvement…how to stay motivated and committed to the outcome, never losing sight of your WHY!
So often Sherry observed people in personal transformation programs leave excited and vowing change, only to slip back into old habits without a practical accountable way to implement that change. A solution to that is what Life Mastery brings to the discourse.
For, as Sherry holds, as you reach each new victory, that feeling of contentment can only be sustained by continued progress. And in that combination, lies the key to prolonged happiness. |