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Courageous Chronicles

Building Confident Leaders

One Small Practice at a Time.

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What have you learnt about yourself? ❤️

Just one of the questions we can ask ourselves within a significant *era* of our life.

Maybe you’re reflecting back on your learning and growth in a new role?

Or perhaps a difficult time or transitionary period in your work or personal life?

I never asked myself this question when I was going through a divorce but, wow – what a powerful question it could have been.

What have I learnt about myself?

📣 Sometimes, you need to and *can* blow your own trumpet.

And by that I mean – Aknowledge your strengths, character, qualities and progress – to ***YOU***

So what other questions could you ask yourself to blow your own trumpet and build perspective and boost confidence in your #empowerment, self-efficacy and #selfworth

✅ What specific moments made a significant impact on your perspective?
✅ Reflecting back what are your key realisations about yourself?
✅ What have you done to empower yourself?
✅ How do you perceive your challenges now compared to where you started?
✅ What personal strategies have you identified that supports your desired mindset?
✅ How might you describe your strengths and qualities throughout this time?
✅ How do you feel about the person you’ve become?
✅ What has made the biggest impact in supporting you to build your confidence?
✅ In what ways have you personally grown the most that will make all the difference going forward?
✅ What can you achieve now that you never thought was possible?

What an incredible exercise!
To give yourself time and space to acknowledge who you are, how you’ve grown and got closer to who you want to be….

Or maybe you can’t? 😔

Maybe you’re not seeing and feeling progress and you feel a bit stuck.

What you are definitely NOT is a failure…

Part of our reflection tends to go the other way of acknowledging ourselves- it goes towards what we did wrong.

Well, I’m here to share that you’re definitely not a failure.

Failure is allowing yourself to be in a victim mindset – that frame of mind where you’re blaming everything and everyone around you for what’s going wrong for you or your unhelpful emotions and feelings.

No one is failing.

But don’t allow yourself to stay in failure.

I share how important it is to acknowledge our progress, learning and development and part of this journey is taking control of our own actions and behaviours.

Don’t stay in failure-mode; a victim who is powerless.

Instead, empower yourself by reflecting on your journey so far.

Or indeed now might just be the right time to start a new era of your growth 😊

As always I’m supporting one human at a time & I’m here for you every step of this scary but empowering journey.

💡Nothing great comes from failure.
💡Everything great comes from failings.

Let’s do it together!! 💪🏼
👉🏽Hit the button at the top for your free session only running until 25 April.
👉🏽Dm me, let’s talk about who you want to be after your journey!


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