From the Publisher & Broadcaster, Ed Cohen …text (+1) 619.787.3100
I want to invite you to consider being my VSG™ (very special guest) on INTERFACE™, my executive interview series I produce on GLOBALTVtalkshows™, distributed worldwide (12months) via GLOBALBUSINESSnews.net connecting to our youtubechannel and a variety of media outlets. Doing this provides nonstop GLOBAL PR 7.24.365.
I believe in EDITORIAL COLLABORATION, meaning I invite you to send me in advance BULLET POINTS of key info vital to you that we discuss during the recording. Doing this brings you “the 3Cs”, Comfort + Convenience + Control.
YES, we are LINK-MAKERS™ .
Consulting on messaging, advertising and PR sales, branding/media, event development, market entry, product strategy/tactics to adjust consumer opinions about a “brand”.
Today, ‘light-speed change’ envelopes corporate leadership and as the author Daniel Burrus says (paraphrasing)…” you can predict the future if you see things around you correctly, with perspective, recognizing ‘hard trends’ and the ‘soft trends, being able to know the difference and taking action appropriately.” Today, it’s local simultaneously having a global mindset and being ready to ‘be there’…. or “you” will be “no where”. We are LINK-MAKERS™
- AUDIENCE REACH / DISTRIBUTION: Google Analytics reported 135,433 audience pageviews of GLOBALTVtalkshows via https://globalbusinessnews.net during Spring 2020 thruNOV 5’21 from 100+ countries; 62% USA; 20% Europe; 5% Canada; 1% LatinoAmerica; 1% Africa; 2% TelAviv, Dubai/GCC; 9% India, China/ASEAN, Singapore, Aus/NZ, Taiwan, Korea, Japan.
- BROADCAST HISTORY of https://globalbusinessnews.net since 2003 startup 1.2 million+ audience pageviews
(infosource, GoogleAnalytics)