be a compelling story teller
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What are the “vital behaviours” that you need to demonstrate at “crucial moments” in your life to achieve what your really want?
Recently I reread a classic I love by Stephen Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Sharpen the Saw
What habit/s are most critical to achieving your own unique definition of success?
In a recent conversation I had with a couple of entrepreneurs we were discussing what was most critical to their success and leading their start ups. They shared their stories and their crucial moments and their key learnings.
Five themes emerged:
the importance of “perseverance” ,
how “learning on the fly” was essential,
the ability to sell and be a compelling story teller ,
the value of building a network of individuals and establishing a personal brand as individual who can be trusted to deliver results and keep their commitments,
We also explored the question: “what is your superpower?”
And the impact that “leveraging their strengths” had played in their success.
What is your super power?
Acknowledgment: Stephen Covey & Image source unknown
#management #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #personaleffectiveness