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Women’s leadership skills;

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Virtual relationship development 


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So therefore,

tell your story to the world using

GLOBAL TV Talkshow.

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As Broadcast Host, I will be asking these questions…

AGILE LEADERSHIP WOMEN for the “new now”:

What leadership skills do women need to focus on developing?

What obstacles can hold women back?

What personal empowerment has to do with leadership?

Profile photo of Janna Macik, CRP, GMS-TJANNA  MACIK CRP, GMS-T

Host of Weekly LinkedIn Live Broadcast

Powering Unique YouMondays @ 11am EST

Leadership & Career Strategist

Corporate Consultant

Workforce Engagement

Empowerment Enthusiast

Advancing Women Globally

Jacksonville, Florida

ABOUT:  In my role as Chief Empowerment Officer at Advancing Globally, LLC, my mission is to help 1 million women globally advance personally and professionally by 2022.  I offer personalized one-on-one and team consulting on leadership development, professional advancement, and personal empowerment enhanced by my Global HR, Talent Mobility, and Talent Development expertise.  If you are interested in learning more, send me a direct message https://www.linkedin.com/in/jannamacik

KASIA  GRADBA   Profile photo of Kasia Grabda

Relationship Manager at ICQ Global

Global DISC Licensed Practitioner


  • Brighton, England

Kasia Grabda


In all my life I have seen people struggle and companies fail because they could not understand why their colleagues, clients or bosses were acting and thinking so differently.

I was one of them.

I spent over 15 years running restaurants, organising weddings, events and managing a diverse group of employees who served an even wider range of customers.

I knew I was capable of doing much more, but my results did not reflect that feeling. I knew my team could have achieved more, but sometimes they clashed instead or they delivered a fraction of the results they could have. I really thought I knew what the customers expected, yet sometimes it badly backfired.

That is how I got into coaching and the topic of cultural intelligence. It turned out that making sense of why people think and behave differently is not impossible, indeed, there is a blueprint to it which makes that process uncomplicated and practical.

Private and professional life would be some much easier if we had been taught about this topic at school. My goal is to help others avoid making the same mistakes, feeling the same frustration I had.

Although I love learning, I know I can make a bigger impact by connecting skilled coaches with those who want to level up their mindset so they can bring out the best in themselves and inspire others to create synergy.

#Interpersonal = #intercultural#international⠀⠀⠀

CHASE ESKELSEN  M.Ed. Profile photo of Chase E. Eskelsen M.Ed.

Chief of Staff at Verano Learning Partners


DFW Metroplex    Verano Learning Partners



My Cheese?

My dad gave me this book as a gift during my undergrad studies and I decided after reading it that I wanted to be a change agent. The world is changing by quantum leaps and bounds each and every day. Those who don’t stay ahead of the curve will be missing out on all of the excitement of life’s great adventures.

With that said, here is what makes me ME:

1. I do my best work early in the morning before anyone gets to the office. There is nothing better than a quiet office, a warm cup of coffee, and a problem to be solved.

2. I thrive on finding solutions that improve the fiscal, safety, efficiency, and accuracy of every day tasks. I know we are supposed to say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” but if we can do it faster, cheaper, and safer… why not?

3. I love to find a trend in the data, determine what is causing it, and then create an action item based on the information collected. (I published a post titled, “These Spreadsheets Were Made for Walking.” Check it out above.)

4. I do NOT know everything and I am OK with that. My goal is not to be the smartest guy in the room, but instead to surround myself with the brightest team so that we all look better. If you don’t know the answer, know where to find it.

5.The most valuable lessons I’ve learned have not been in the classroom, but instead in uncomfortable situations. Like traveling to foreign lands where the locals do things differently than I do them back home. That doesn’t make me right and them wrong (or vise versa). Different is just that, different. I want to learn from these opportunities and be better because of them.

6. I do not believe we should ever stop learning. That is why I decided to start graduate school after being in a career, getting married, and having two kids. Sure, it will help my career, but it will also make me a better husband and father.

7. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.