Eisha Karol is founder of PronounceMe, an award-winning business which provides highly-tailored level of pronunciation training to address every aspect of language learning.
Eisha explains why HR personnel need to consider intelligibility when attracting and developing talent.
PronounceMe is an Oxford University Innovation business that began as a scribble on the back of an envelope in an Italian classroom and has now become a startup at Oxford University Innovation, working across several industries, with delegates from 11 different language backgrounds.
With inclusivity and diversity at the heart of most HR agendas, it is surprising how often language is overlooked.
However, Language is an expression of a person’s culture, and learning a new language is a process of cultural interchange.
Here in the UK, English-speaking teams form the backbone of almost every company.
And yet, not everyone can hear and create the sounds of the English language, because they don’t exist in other languages.
English Mastery
Global Professionals
Founder, PronounceMe.co.uk, Oxford University Innovation
- pronounceme.co.uk (Company)
Oxford England
“Mastering English intelligibility in Business”
- Website: https://www.pronounceme.co.uk/
- Useful Resources: https://www.pronounceme.co.uk/resources
- Companies who would like a free pronunciation assessment for their employees to sign up – go here: https://unique-builder-8002.ck.page/fdc8eca1fd
- PronounceMe: LinkedIn
- Eisha Karol: LinkedIn
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