23 SEP 12noon New York time
“Positive, Powerful HR Practices…
Positive Conflict Resolution”
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Melinda Stallings
Melinda Stallings is the CEO of Melinda Stallings International. Known as “The Positive Coach”, she is highly regarded as an organizational consultant, business psychologist, thought leader, conference speaker and coach. She is the creator of, The POSITIVE Approach, and the author of “The Power of Positive Conflict Resolution 8 Simple Steps to Take any Situation from Breakdown to Breakthrough”
International. Known as “The Positive Coach”, she is highly regarded as an organizational consultant, business psychologist, thought leader, conference speaker and coach. She is the creator of, The POSITIVE Approach, and the author of “The Power of Positive Conflict Resolution 8 Simple Steps to Take any Situation from Breakdown to Breakthrough”