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Top 10 Characteristics of Resilience
Credit to Pamela Coburn-Litvak PhD PCC. Follow her for more visuals on professional success, emotional intelligence, & optimal well-being.
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Top 10 Characteristics of Resilience include:
-An internal locus of control: taking accountability and responsibility for one’s own actions.
-Strong self-worth: this is does not refer to narcissistic self-centeredness, nor does it mean relying on externals like accomplishments or personal attractiveness to define one’s worth. Rather, it refers to resting in the quiet confidence of one’s value as a human being.
-Grit: working toward one’s passions with dogged perseverance.
-Courage: not the absence of fear – which we all have – but acting in spite of it.
-Optimism: looking for the good in situations and people.
-Sense of meaning: seeking personal answers to the “why’s” of life.
-Self-compassion: treating oneself the same as one would treat a beloved friend.
-Community & support: sustaining and supporting one another through tough times.
-Humor: research shows that humor boosts the immune system and dampens feelings of stress and anxiety.