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Danny Langloss
Danny Langloss• FollowingI help companies create winning cultures and championship teams by unleashing the X Factor of Purpose-Driven Ownership across all levels of the organization > Keynote Speaker > Dixon City Manager > Police Chief (Ret.)5 hours ago

I am sick and tired with all of this talk about soft skills….

Empathy, rapport, trust, self-awareness, relationships, influence….the list goes on and on.

We pay people to do a job and that is what we need them to do.

If we want their opinion, we will ask for it.

I have worked hard to become the boss. I have the experience. I am the expert. I will make the decisions. All I need you to do is what you are told.

We will get the result and we will make the profit at whatever cost is necessary.

Have you ever worked for a boss like this? Do you currently work for a boss like this?

Old school, top down, power and control leadership is on its way to instinction.

These leaders don’t get it. They think you have to sacrifice people to get results….BUT they are WRONG.

When we take care of our people, they take care of the results.

Empathy, rapport, trust, self-awareness, relationships, coaching, mentoring, influence….these are the SMART skills.

These are the essential skills.

These are the foundational skills of great leaders.

These skills all focus on human connection, because that is what leadership is…leadership is all about people.

Have you seen the newly updated Langloss Leadership Formula?

Empathy > Rapport > Trust > Strong Relationships > Influence > Leadership

Today, I want to share a little on RAPPORT.

Do you know the difference between RAPPORT and TRUST?

Rapport is to trust what infatuation is to love.

Have you ever thought about it like this?

Early in a romantic relationship, we develop this strong, overwhelmingly positive connection and feelings towards another person. At times, this infatuation is a very similar feeling to love.


It is not love, because love can only develop over time.

This is the same with RAPPORT and TRUST. Rapport is a strong, positive connection with another person. When we develop rapport with a person, this feeling is a lot like trust,


Trust can only be developed through time and consistency.

Rapport is an essential element of earning trust and building strong relationships. Over time, this rapport turns to trust.

Our mind map below shows the 8 critical components of building rapport.

Which components resonate most with you? What would you add?

For me, two of the most critical components of building rapport are asking questions and finding common ground. But it is not just asking any question. It is asking the right questions.

Do you agree?

Follow Danny Langloss for leadership, mindset, and motivation content.


Interested in learning more? Download our free guide, “44 Questions to Build Rapport, Earn Trust, and Create Psychological Safety” (Linked Below)

#leadership #empathy #rapport #psychologicalsafety #belonging #empowerment #ownership #dannylangloss #leadershipexcellencepodcast

