Elizebeth Varghese
Global leader of talent and HR reinvention strategy client services
IBM Global Business Services
Honored to be included as one of The Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business at the #wallstreet gala this week by the Asian American Business Development Center and John Wang .
I’m so grateful and humbled by the generosity of my mentors and support system, and so many others who blazed the trail for us! Thank you Sharda Cherwoo and Jyoti Chopra! Always grateful for the support of Sophia D., Carla Grant Pickens (she/her) and IBM ! #iamibm
It was great to celebrate with family, (especially my two daughters), friends, and all the awardees Krishnan Rajagopalan Aru Kulkarni Anne Chow (She/Her) Sanjyot P. Dunung, Anish Batlaw, Maggie Chan Jones, Cynthia Chen, Yuri Aguiar, Robert Chen, Raghu Vasu, Julie Chung, Rima Safari, Anuj Dhanda, Karen Fang, Emily Fong Mitchell, Chandy Ghosh, Manish Vyas, Yvonne Hao, Dylan Huang, Alpa Inamdar, Jay Yu, Rajive Johri, Anu Aiyengar Lisa Lim, Alvina Lo, S. David Wu Subha Barry Rita Thakkar, CPA, CIA Lisa V Chang NAGARAJA KUMAR DEEVI Andrew Yang, Aanika Veedon Mathew Veedon and guests.
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