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Visualized: Which Countries Dominate Space
Believe it or not, there is a lot of stuff in space. In fact, our atmosphere is filled with more than 11,000 objects that have been launched since the foray into space began.
The Space Race started during the Cold War, and early on the Soviet Union dominated when it came to the amount of devices and objects launched into our atmosphere. But a few years ago, the U.S. took back that title with Elon Musk’s SpaceX helping lead the charge.
This visual, using data from Our World in Data, breaks down the amount of objects launched into space by country over time.
What Gets Launched Into Space?
What are the objects being sent into our atmosphere and why are they so important? Here’s a look at just a few:
- Satellites
- Crewed spacecraft
- Probes
- Space station flight equipment
Probes and landers like the Mars Rover, for example, have helped scientists explore other planets. Satellites provide us with everyday necessities like cell phone service, far reaching television signals, satellite imagery, and GPS.
As of late 2021, there were around 4,852 operational satellites in orbit—2,944 belonging to the United States. Here’s a quick look at what the U.S. uses its satellites for:
- Commercial: 2,516
- Military: 230
- Government: 168
- Civil: 30
Many satellites in orbit, however, are no longer functional. In fact, there is a lot of junk in space—according to NASA, there are over 27,000 pieces of space debris in orbit.
The Space Race, by Country
The venture into outer space began during the Cold War when the USSR launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1 in 1957. After this, the U.S. and Soviet Union entered a definitive competition between technological advancements and scientific exploration into space—an extension of the battle between political ideologies.
Few countries have come close in matching either the U.S. or Russia so far. Here’s a look at the cumulative number of objects different countries have launched into orbit and beyond.
One important disclaimer here is that not all of these countries have orbital launch capabilities, meaning that although the satellite in space may belong to a certain country, that doesn’t mean that it was launched by said country. For example, the UK’s first launch in 1971 was out of Australia and France’s first launch took place in Algeria in 1965.
In total, around 86 countries have attempted some kind of entry into space. However, as of 2022, only 11 countries have the ability to send objects into space using their own launch vehicles, and only three—the U.S., Russia, and China—have ever launched people into outer space.
The Future of Space
With corporations beginning to take the lead in this new frontier, the landscape of space launches is changing. In 2019 Starlink, a constellation of satellites which provides 36 countries with internet access, was launched. With over 2,200 Starlink satellites in the sky and counting, SpaceX’s ultimate goal is global internet coverage; China is planning a similar venture.
Beyond useful satellites and scientific exploration, other potential space industries are emerging.
As one example, the business of commercial space tourism is no longer a futuristic concept. In late 2021, famous billionaire and founder of Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson flew briefly into space on a private flight. Jeff Bezos, having founded Blue Origin, followed shortly after.
Today, both Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic are licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration for passenger space travel. However, if you want to be launched into space, it will cost you around $250,000-$500,000.
If you know me, you know how obsessed I am about questions and how important asking powerful questions are to open up dialogue, create connection and foster innovation. You can ask the best questions, but if after asking them you are not truly listening to understand, then it’s all for nothing.
Asking and listening go hand-in-hand. Listening requires you to be 100% present and that requires you to take the thoughts in your mind in that moment and put them aside. Your knowledge and expertise don’t go away, they just “rest” while you are engaged with the other.
When you are truly present, with “no” thing in your head spinning around judging, wondering what the other wants or trying to finish their sentence, true and deep connection happens.
One of the greatest needs of human beings is feeling heard, seen and understood. That means listening to lived experiences without judgment. Lived experiences of another are true for that person. Just like feelings of another are true for them. Whether we agree with them or not, we have no right to judge another’s lived experience.
How do we stay 100% present? By practicing the skill of curiosity. I always called it a skill, but it is more of an art than a skill. When we master the art of curiosity, we have truly mastered the art of listening.
Next time you are in conversation, I invite you to take on one of these behaviors below by McLean & Company and see how your listening shifts. When we can truly listen from a place of curiosity and non-judgment, we give the greatest gift of all to another.
Let me know how it goes.
** Diagram by McLean & Company
** For more tools to create a culture of Curiosity, check out Chapter 6 in “Stop Talking Start Asking: 27 Questions to Shift the Culture of Your Organization”. See comment below for the link.
#listening #psychologicalsafety #leadershipdevelopment #renaissanceleadership #emotionalintelligence #teamdevelopment #workplaceculture #activelistening #stoptalkingstartlistening

Explained: the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is currently in an economic and political crisis of mass proportions, recently culminating in a default on its debt payments. The country is also nearly at empty on their foreign currency reserves, decreasing the ability to purchase imports and driving up domestic prices for goods.
There are several reasons for this crisis and the economic turmoil has sparked mass protests and violence across the country. This visual breaks down some of the elements that led to Sri Lanka’s current situation.
A Timeline of Events
The ongoing problems in Sri Lanka have bubbled up after years of economic mismanagement. Here’s a brief timeline looking at just some of the recent factors.
In 2009, a decades-long civil war in the country ended and the government’s focus turned inward towards domestic production. However, a stress on local production and sales, instead of exports, increased the reliance on foreign goods.
Unprompted cuts were introduced on income tax in 2019, leading to significant losses in government revenue, draining an already cash-strapped country.
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world causing border closures globally and stifling one of Sri Lanka’s most lucrative industries. Prior to the pandemic, in 2018, tourism contributed nearly 5% of the country’s GDP and generated over 388,000 jobs. In 2020, tourism’s share of GDP had dropped to 0.8%, with over 40,000 jobs lost to that point.
Recently, the Sri Lankan government introduced a ban on foreign-made chemical fertilizers. The ban was meant to counter the depletion of the country’s foreign currency reserves.
However, with only local, organic fertilizers available to farmers, a massive crop failure occurred and Sri Lankans were subsequently forced to rely even more heavily on imports, further depleting reserves.
April 2022
In early April this year, massive protests calling for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation, sparked in Sri Lanka’s capital city, Colombo.
May 2022
In May, pro-government supporters brutally attacked protesters. Subsequently, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, brother of President Rajapaksa, stepped down and was replaced with former PM, Ranil Wickremesinghe.
June 2022
Recently, the government approved a four-day work week to allow citizens an extra day to grow food, as prices continue to shoot up. Food inflation increased over 57% in May.
Additionally, the increasing prices on grain caused by the war in Ukraine and rising fuel prices globally have played into an already dire situation in Sri Lanka.
The Key Information
“Our economy has completely collapsed.”
One of the main causes of the economic crisis in Sri Lanka is the reliance on imports and the amount spent on them. Let’s take a look at the numbers:
- 2021 total imports = $20.6 billion USD
- 2022 total imports (to March) = $5.7 billion USD
In contrast, the most recent reported foreign currency reserve levels in the country were at an abysmal $50 million, having plummeted an astounding 99%, from $7.6 billion in 2019.
Some of the top imports in 2021, according to the country’s central bank were:
- Refined petroleum = $2.8 billion
- Textiles = $3.1 billion
- Chemical products = $1.1 billion
- Food & beverage = $1.7 billion
Of course, without the cash to purchase these goods from abroad, Sri Lankans face an increasingly drastic situation.
Additionally, the debt Sri Lanka has incurred is huge, further hampering their ability to boost their reserves. Recently, they defaulted on a $78 million loan from international creditors, and in total, they’ve borrowed $50.7 billion.
The largest source of their debt is by far due to market borrowings, followed closely by loans taken from the Asian Development Bank, China, and Japan, among others.
What it Means
Sri Lanka is home to more than 22 million people who are rapidly losing the ability to purchase everyday goods. Consumer inflation reached 39% at the end of May.
Due to power outages meant to save energy and fuel, schools are currently shuttered and children have nowhere to go during the day. Protesters calling for the president’s resignation have been camped in the capital for months, facing tear gas from police and backlash from president Rajapaksa’s supporters, but many have also responded violently to pushback.
India and China have agreed to send help to the country and the the International Monetary Fund recently arrived in the country to discuss a bailout. Additionally, the government has sent ministers to Russia to discuss a deal for discounted oil imports.
A Foreshadowing for Low Income Countries
Governments need foreign currency in order to purchase goods from abroad. Without the ability to purchase or borrow foreign currency, the Sri Lankan government cannot buy desperately needed imports, including food staples and fuel, causing domestic prices to rise.
Furthermore, defaults on loan payments discourage foreign direct investment and devalue the national currency, making future borrowing more difficult.
What’s happening in Sri Lanka may be an ominous preview of what’s to come in other low and middle-income countries, as the risk of debt distress continues to rise globally.
The Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) was implemented by G20 countries, suspending nearly $13 billion in debt from the start of the pandemic until late 2021.

This visual reveals the share of DSSI countries that are also low income (LIC) and have had their debt sustainability analyzed, finding that the share close to debt distress is rising over time.
Some DSSI and LIC countries facing a high risk of debt distress include Zambia, Ethiopia, and Tajikistan, to name a few.
Going forward, Sri Lanka’s next steps in managing this situation will either serve as a useful example for other countries at risk or a warning worth heeding.
Is your organization using it’s culture to enable your strategy?
Mastufa Ahmed
Mastufa is the Editor with People Matters Global. He covers the global talent and tech industry including #People #Data #Tech #Culture #Leadership #Innovation and #FutureOfWork.
How empowered employees are transforming the future of work
In March 2022, 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs. The number of job opportunities during the month, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, hit a new high of 11.5 million. Similarly, a record high of 1.2 million job openings were reported by the Office for National Statistics in the UK in January. Global labour shortages have made it difficult for businesses in many industries to fill vacancies.
There is growing evidence that companies are losing ground to workers, who are in a position to bargain with their current and potential bosses and cherry-pick jobs that suit them best. As power shifts to workers in the labour market, employers are attempting to retain the best talent by enhancing salaries, perks, health coverage, and mental health assistance.
As such, a great reprioritisation of work, rewards, and careers is underway, with candidates increasingly weighing options against how their role aligns with the company’s values. Many industries are seeing an increase in strikes and activism, and knowledge workers are resisting return-to-work regulations and walking out.
Some of the disruptions and the changes made to respond to the disruptions have completely redefined our workplaces, says Chaitali Mukherjee, Leader – People & Organisation, PwC India. “The shift is deep, not transient, and there is critical learning which shouldn’t be wasted.”
The positives
In a world where 75% of businesses face difficulty in recruiting — an all-time high – employers must ensure employee needs and wants are met. In fact, organisations are upping their mechanisms to listen, learn, and adapt as workers seek greater flexibility, better work-life balance, and a greater variety of options for when and where they want to do their work. By working flexibly, as opposed to working less, employees gain greater focus during work hours. In its four-day work week trial, Microsoft Japan, for example, achieved a 40% increase in productivity and an increase in employee satisfaction.
Globally, workers are using their collective bargaining power to exert influence in a variety of industries, most of which are related to improving working conditions such as compensation, benefits, and workplace health and safety. Due to a high demand for labour and a limited supply, salaries are soaring. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the average hourly income of all private-sector employees increased by 5.6% from March 2021 to March 2022.
Amazon has assured its 750,000 US employees that it will not interfere with their collective bargaining rights following a settlement with the American labour authorities. Uber became the first gig economy ride-hailing business to recognise the GMB trade union for its 70,000 private hire drivers in the UK last year. Recently, Microsoft announced that it would follow an “open and constructive approach” to union organisation from its employees, following public unionization movements at other tech companies. Thanks to the empowered employees who are accelerating longstanding changes in work and the workplace and making the future of work more promising.
A fleeting trend?
Workers’ empowerment is resulting in short-term reforms, which may or may not last. Systemic changes are required for the transformations to yield long-term benefits. Workers’ empowerment cannot be sustained unless entitlements like paid vacation are incorporated into policies. “It’s difficult to say whether the trends we’re witnessing will be permanent or fleeting as the ways we work and people’s demands, expectations, and behaviours continue to change,” says Steve Bennetts, Head of Growth & Strategy – Qualtrics.
Whether this transformation is transient or permanent, the most crucial move any organisation can take right now, according to Steve, is “cultivating a culture of belonging.” “By ensuring every person feels welcome, included, and enabled at the company, employers will be well placed to attract, retain, and develop talent in every kind of job market.”
HR futurist Kate Barker believes, that employers right now have the unique opportunity to elevate the nature of the relationship with their employees, from a transactional arrangement to a purpose-driven partnership. “This is the time to focus on building a strong company brand, commit to environmental, social, and governance goals, and build a compelling employee value proposition that is winning in the market.”
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The leader’s ultimate guide to keeping employees engaged so they don’t quit
The Great Resignation is making it hard to keep talented employees—but there are things you can do to make your company tough to leave.
Call it the Great Resignation, Great Reshuffle, Great Realization, or any of the other names that have been coined, the message is the same: Employees have been leaving their jobs in record rates. Attracting and retaining the talent needed for businesses to run is the No. 1 internal issue for CEOs, according to recent research by The Conference Board.
And while it’s true that employees are moving around at a record clip, sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence. Some experts say this is leading to a wave of “boomerang” employees who return to their former employers.
Fortunately, there are a number of steps your organization can take to keep employees engaged and motivated. Here are some of the ways to make it less appealing for employees to quit your company.
The first step in keeping employees engaged and ready to grow with your company is to get clear on their career goals and then match them with your organization’s needs, says performance improvement consultant Julie Winkler Giulioni, coauthor of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want. Those conversations should focus on three areas:
Hindsight: This includes the employee’s background and what they have accomplished in their careers so far. “This is the baseline information you would need in order to have a development conversation with anyone,” Giulioni says.
Foresight: This is about looking outward and forward at the needs of the organization, as well as asking questions like: Where is our industry going? What’s going on in the bigger picture of the world?
Insight: Explore where the first two conversations intersect. Where do the employee’s skills and interests intersect with where the company and industry are going? Where does it make sense to focus development efforts to ensure the two are aligned? That, says Giulioni, is where the greatest satisfaction for both is going to be overall.
Workforce retention expert Jeff Butler says that employers must shift their focus to include such employee priorities. Gone are the days of a buyer’s market when it comes to talent. Now you need to be sure your employees are ready to grow with you. “In terms of retention, the first thing that any employer needs to ask potential hires is where they want to be in three to five years because, the reason people leave, is that they’re not set on their paths to where they want to go,” he says.
Artist and entrepreneur Keba Konte runs his company that way. He opened his Oakland, California-based Red Bay Coffee in 2014. The coffee company has a retail arm and also imports and roasts coffee from around the world. From the start, Konte’s vision for his business was one of diversity and inclusion. He wanted to give more people an opportunity to work in the coffee industry’s “more high-margin sectors—the roasting, the retail ownership, education, changing equipment,” he says.
His staff includes women, people of color, and people who were formerly incarcerated. He pays them more than minimum wage and uses profit sharing to let employees benefit from the company’s success. Konte also believes career paths are critical. Even as a small business owner, he’s helped some team members move into managerial positions or move from the retail side to quality assurance positions with overseas travel. “People need to see where they’re going in the organization,” he says. As a result of this “career pathing,” he says he’s been able to retain employees at rates well above the industry average.
To encourage employees to share their great ideas for implementation, business-and-technology consultancy West Monroe Partners developed an internal version of Shark Tank, where its roughly 1,000 employees can pitch ideas to executives to apply for funding. One project—the nCino Center of Excellence, which revamped the way the company implements bank-operating system nCino—was funded and has brought in $10 million in revenue over the last three years.
Reva Busby is cofounder of West Monroe’s Intellio Labs, a collection of the firm’s data services, assets, and platforms. Programs like the firm’s Shark Tank competition, as well as a culture that encourages employees to act like owners and allows them to develop their careers, are a big part of why the firm has less than half the turnover of typical consulting companies, she says. Employees may also participate in employee stock-ownership program.
Giving employees the freedom to find meaning in their work and make an impact pays off, says Michael C. Mankins, a partner at Bain & Company’s San Francisco office, leader in the firm’s organization practice, and coauthor of Time, Talent, Energy: Overcome Organizational Drag and Unleash Your Team’s Productive Power.
“Some people reach burnout at 40 hours a week, some people reach burnout at 90 hours a week,” he says. “It’s very dependent on the individual, and it’s very dependent on how much autonomy and impact that individual feels they have in their job. If you have no autonomy, and you’re having no impact, you’ll probably burn out at 40 hours a week.”
Career consultant Beverly Kaye, coauthor of Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay, suggests using “career calisthenics”—reaching up, down, and out for new learning or development opportunities. That means looking for mentoring or shadowing engagements and stretch assignments and other learning opportunities throughout the organization.
Is there an executive with whom the employee can work on a stretch assignment or engage as a mentor? Can peers teach them new skills? Can team members be assigned to help new employees feel more engaged? Kaye says that this type of connection throughout the organization keeps information and knowledge flowing, and creates a culture in which development is not only encouraged but expected.
Your organization likely has many opportunities on a day-to-day basis for employees to grow within their current roles, says Diane Belcher, managing director of product management at Harvard Business Publishing. She looks for learning opportunities everywhere. For example, when she and her team come out of a meeting, she asks them what they learned, and how it can be applied to their roles or to better serve clients. “Even when there’s not a budget for a formal learning program, you can think about every opportunity as an opportunity to learn,” she says.
Of course, while all of these stretch assignments and extra work can be great learning opportunities, it’s important to ensure employees don’t feel like you’re simply getting extra work out of them without the trappings that come with advancement, such as new titles, raises, and bonuses.
If those aren’t in the budget, the incentive might be to take away some of their more rote work. “Managers have to be realistic as they’re inviting new responsibilities and activities into someone’s role,” Giulioni says. “They have to figure out how to offload other things to make room for it, so it doesn’t become punitive.” That way you can help create the job they want instead of watching them find it at another company.
Having the ability to make some decisions about how you spend your work time also can help prevent burnout, says Joyce Maroney, former director of the Workforce Institute at Kronos. As long as wages are not substandard, employees who can make decisions about job roles and feel they have choices will be more engaged. “And generally speaking, the data says engaged employees do a better job for your customers, they’re more loyal to your company, and they’re going to stay longer,” says Maroney. “All good things flow from that.”
Recent research from management consulting firm McKinsey found that roughly half (49%) of employees report feeling at least somewhat burned out. And the report speculates that the percentage is likely an underrepresentation. What’s causing the problem? Lack of clear communication, the need for flexibility, and remote or hybrid work environments are among the top concerns. Also, employees want a renewed emphasis on mental health and well-being.
Managers also need to be aware of how much they’re expecting of employees, says Mankins. Helping employees manage their energy to enhance productivity includes reducing the organizational drag of email overload and meetings. Mankins says that the amount of time spent on these activities typically grows 7% to 8% per year. That “ineffective collaboration” crowds out more important and effective work, he says. Digital tools can help track workload and help managers spot employees who are overworked.
When Zappos moved to its flatter management structure a number of years ago, company leaders knew that such a sea change in the organization could be taxing for employees. Bhawna Provenzano, former head of benefits at Zappos, says the company adopted a six-month wellness program on site to help employees manage stress. She says the company tried to anticipate areas where there was tension, then “react to it, and do what we need to do,” she adds.
Employees can be tempted by bigger salaries at other jobs. The McKinsey report found that fair compensation was also a top priority for talent. To ensure it was paying employees appropriately in an environment where job titles didn’t necessarily match job roles, Zappos brought in a consultant to review worker pay levels and make recommendations to ensure fairness, Provenzano says. The company also shared findings with employees to help them understand how their compensation compared to market data.
Benefits have increased in importance since the pandemic. A recent survey by Prudential Insurance found that 4 in 10 people surveyed would leave their current job for one with better benefits; 80% said they were more likely to stay with an employer that showed commitment to helping them achieve financial resiliency. They see benefits, such as retirement plans, health, disability, and life insurance, paid family medical leave, and emergency savings programs, as critical to that resiliency.
As Fast Company has reported in the past, mental health benefits have also become increasingly important. Employees have struggled with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues during the pandemic. A 2020 survey by business advisory firm Willis Towers Watson found that 77% of companies are offering or expanding access to mental health services.
But attention to benefits doesn’t mean trying to “buy” employee loyalty with silly perks or trendy offerings, says leadership consultant Abbey Louie. “In reality, companies should be striving for engaged employees, not just satisfied employees,” Louie says. “You can have a satisfied employee who is happy doing nothing, but an engaged employee feels an emotional connection to the organization and/or the organization’s goals.” She points to well-publicized Gallup research that shows engagement drives greater profitability, lower turnover, fewer safety incidents, higher customer satisfaction, and other advantages.
The first step in creating a great employee experience means developing effective managers, she says. “The most influential factor in employee engagement and performance is the employee-supervisor relationship. Investing in your managers to develop dynamic leaders will provide the greatest impact,” she says. Hire and train managers to communicate well, help ensure that employees are in jobs that are a good fit for them, and give appropriate feedback, to name a few.
Part of keeping employees is also letting them know that you support their need to explore leaving the company sometimes. From the day employees start at Jellyvision, an employee-benefits software company, they also learn about its “graceful exit” program. When employees begin to look for a new job, they’re encouraged to share that with their managers, who will support them in the search. Kelly Dean, former chief people officer, took over an HR role after a predecessor’s “graceful exit” process, which lasted roughly two years. Those who inform their supervisors at the start of their search still get their raises, end-of-year bonuses, time off to interview, and other benefits without the awkwardness of trying to hide their actions.
This approach helps keep the relationship amicable and also leaves the door open in case an employee does decide to test the waters of a new opportunity but then boomerangs back.
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Visualizing the Shift in Global Economic Power
As the post-pandemic recovery chugs along, the global economy is set to see major changes in the coming decades. Most significantly, China is forecast to pass the United States to become the largest economy globally.
The world’s economic center has long been drifting from Europe and North America over to Asia. This global shift was kickstarted by lowered trade barriers and greater economic freedom, which attracted foreign direct investment (FDI). Another major driving factor was the improvements in infrastructure and communications, and a general increase in economic complexity in the region.
Our visualization uses data from the 13th edition of World Economic League Table 2022, a forecast published by the Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).
When Will China Become the Largest Economic Power?
China is expected to surpass the U.S. by the year 2030. A faster than expected recovery in the U.S. in 2021, and China’s struggles under the “Zero-COVID” policies have delayed the country taking the top spot by about two years.
China has maintained its positive GDP growth due to the stability provided by domestic demand. This has proven crucial in sustaining the country’s economic growth. China’s fiscal and economic policy had focused on this prior to the pandemic over fears of growing Western trade restrictions.
India is Primed for the #3 Spot
India is expected to become the third largest country in terms of GDP with $10.8 trillion projected in 2031.
Looking back, India had a GDP of just $949 billion in 2006. Fast forward to today and India’s GDP has more than tripled, reaching $3.1 trillion in 2022. Over the next 15 years, it’s expected to triple yet again. What is behind this impressive growth?
For starters, the country’s economy had a lot more room to improve than other nations. Demographics are also working in the country’s favor. While the median age in many mature economies is shooting up, India has a youthful workforce. In fact, India’s median age is a full 20 years lower than Japan, which is currently the third largest economy.
Over the last 60 years, the service industry has boomed to around 55% of India’s GDP. Telecommunications, software, and IT generate most of the revenue in this sector. IT alone produces 10% of the country’s GDP. India’s large tech-savvy, English-speaking workforce has proved attractive for international companies like Intel, Google, Meta, Microsoft, IBM, and many others, while the domestic startup scene continues to boom.
The Indian government is also pursuing “production-linked incentives” (i.e. subsidies) for multinational companies looking to diversify their production away from China. If these incentives prove successful, more of the world’s solar panels and smartphones will be produced within India’s borders.
How Will the Global Economy Look in 2031?
By the year 2031, there will be major changes in the global economic power rankings.
As we said before: China will have become the world’s largest economy in terms of GDP and India will be the world’s third largest economy. Let’s also take a look at the top 10 economies by 2031.
Out of the top five economies, three are located in Asia: China, India, and Japan—a clear demonstration of how economic power is shifting towards large population centers in Asia.
Europe will have four countries in the top 10: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. From South America, only Brazil appears in the top 10.
Under these projections, Russia sits outside the top 10 in 2031. Of course, it remains to be seen how crushing sanctions and global isolation will affect the economic trajectory of the country.
Now, the big question. Is it inevitable that China takes the top spot in the global economy as predicted by this forecast? The truth is that nothing is guaranteed. Other projections have modeled reasonable alternative scenarios for China’s economy. A debt crisis, international isolation, or a shrinking population could keep China’s economy in second place for longer than expected.
Data source: The Center for Economics and Business Research, The World Bank and Trading Economics will be presenting will be presenting will be presenting
Let’s face a simple truth – How we respond to stress and manage our emotions is the deciding factor when it comes to job and life satisfaction, psychological health, and leadership effectiveness.
Our emotions impact the way we process information, make decisions, behave, and interact with others, including how we resolve conflict and build relationships.
At an organizational level, far too often, high performers are promoted to leadership roles because of their exceptional skill, but lack the soft-skills and training to navigate challenging conversations successfully.
Recent Engagement Trends research from McLean & Company revealed how closely a leader’s Emotional Intelligence correlates with their team’s engagement levels.
If you are intrigued at what a holistic and evidence-informed approach to developing emotional intelligence in your organization looks like, I highly recommend connecting with me to chat, or exploring McLean & Company’s research and solution set ‘Emotional Intelligence in Leadership’ in the comments below.
Infographic and wonderful insights courtesy of one of my favorite voices on emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman.
Original post: Andrew Baerthel
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