What does this mean for leaders & organizations? “The Great Resignation’ is still driving ‘quiet quitting’ with employee unhappiness, demotivation, dissatisfaction and loss of trust in companies and leaders.
As leaders we know that our habits both good and bad are building a legacy that lasts. In these times. It is important that we build legacy behaviours that has a strong impact on our people, business, and communities.
So as a leader Am I demonstrating those habits that our people love to emulate?
Do I create behaviours of excellence to help my team lead by example?
All leaders need to reflect on these are critical questions each day.
So what habits should you adopt to become a more successful leader? In my view, below are the core habits that leaders need to practice to build a sustainable legacy.
Listen well: Intentional listening creates perceived empathy and ’emotional collisions’ to make your people feel heard, respected, trusted and belonged.
Have a ‘people first’ attitude:
Trust and empower others:
Practicing mindfulness: Being intentional, a growth mindset, pure thoughts & focused actions are the winning parameters for team success.
Communicate clearly and often – Be open and transparent. Sharing information, giving radically transparent feedback, and presenting real data as “Knowledge is power but it has to be shared” this makes you ‘rich’ in the eyes of others.
Involve people & encourage participation:
Recognize your team:
Be humble, vulnerable and empathic:
If you want to be in tomorrows business, take care of your people today.